The ASKOHEAT-OP is used if you want to continuously store excess electricity with a Fronius Ohmpilot, Solaredge, Smartfox, AC Thor etc.
Our scope of delivery includes the ASKOHEAT-OP in various performance classes as a 400V version.
The following device variants are available in many performance sizes (see also our product finder):
Screw-in heater ASKOHEAT-OP 1½“, continuously adjustable, 1.0 up to 9.0kW
Flange heater ASKOHEAT-FOP Ø180mm, continuously adjustable, 1.0 up to 9.0kW
Flange heater ASKOHEAT-FOP Ø240mm, continuously adjustable, 18.0kW
Flange heater ASKOHEAT-FOP Ø280mm, continuously adjustable, 18.0kW
The ASKOHEAT-OP converts your surplus electricity with the Ohmpilot or the infinitely variable controller from the PV system into heat and stores it in your buffer tank / boiler in the house. This heat is then available to you when you need it.
They are designed for easy direct installation in heating buffer or drinking water storage tanks, giving the user the opportunity to store the maximum excess PV power.