The power to heat entry solution for every budgetThis is where the ASKOHEAT+ /+ 2.0 with the two-way meter is used to store excess electricity from the PV system in the form of heat in the hot water tank.
With the installation of the energy meter at the house node and the ASKOHEAT+ /+ 2.0 in the buffer storage, you have already taken the first step into the smart home world. You connect your home router and the ASKOHEAT+ /+ 2.0 with an on-site LAN cable. Connect the ASKOHEAT+ /+ 2.0 and the energy meter with an RS485 cable (two-wire line). The wiring for Power to Heat is complete.
The following energy meters are available for this purpose:
• ASKOMA bidirectionalmeter RTU
• ASKOMA bidirectional meter RTU III
• Carlo Gavazzi EM340
• Optec ECS M3
• Eastron SDM72D-M
• Fronius Smart Meter
• Huawei Smart Meter
• complete list
- ASKOHEAT-PtH 2.0 (2 MB)
- Supported devices ASKOHEAT+ (82 KB)
- 004-0367 (426 KB)
The ASKOHEAT+ is available in the following versions
- Screw-in heater 1½“:
7 levels, 1.75, 3.5, 4.4, 5.2kW
(All screw-in heater 1½“ can also be used in the ASKOWALL+)
- Flange heater with Ø180mm:
7 levels, 1.75, 3.5, 4.4, 5.8kW
More about the ASKOHEAT+ you can find here here
The ASKOHEAT+ 2.0 is available in the following versions
- Screw-in heater 1½“:
7 levels, 1.75, 3.5, 4.4, 5.2kW
3 levels, 7.5, 9.0kW
(All screw-in heater 1½“ can also be used in the ASKOWALL+ 2.0)
- Flange heater with Ø180mm:
7 levels, 1.75, 3.5, 4.4, 5.8kW
3 levels, 7.5, 9.0kW
- Flange heater with Ø240/280mm:
6 levels, 10kW, 15.0kW, 20.0kW
19 levels, 9.5kW, 11.9kW, 15.8kW
More about the ASKOHEAT+ 2.0 you can find here
Functions available in the house network via WEB-Interface
PV surplus electricity prioritized to an ASKOHEAT+ /+ 2.0
Power to Heat 3-, 6-, 7 or 19 levels
System self-regulating via information from the bidirectional meter
System can be viewed via home network
Visualisation of the house network via PC, tablet, mobile phone
No Cloud necessary
Real-time visualisation only
Storage temperature can be read out with 4 sensor (PT1000)
Control as emergency heating of heat pumps (100%)
Manual operation of the heating element 100% (shutdown after 24h)
Legionella protection management (daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, always measured from the time of the last high temperature, thus max. PV power utilisation)
This system can be expanded at any time with the ASKOSET+ energy manager and the ASKOHOME+ app.
A demo version is available in the App or Play Store under ASKOHOME+. You can find more about this under ASKOFAMILY+