The hardware used in the ASKOFAMILY+ is the ASKOSET+ with the ASKOHEAT+. The ASKOHOME+ App is available in the IOS App Store and the Android Play Store. The annual fee is included in the sales price for the 1st year. From the 2nd year onwards, the App is subject to a fee.
The ASKOHEAT+ converts your excess electricity from the PV system, wind turbine, water turbine or CHP into heat and stores this energy as heat in your buffer tank / boiler in the house. The heat is available when you need it. The whole thing is very easy to assemble thanks to the finished cable connector system.
Example of maximum PV power storage:
You have a 1000L buffer tank with a fresh water station, which you heat up to 40°C with your heat pump with a good COP.
With theASKOWALL+ and the ASKOHEAT+ you can completely load this buffer tank up to 85°C.
That means: 1000L x 45°C temperature difference to max. 85°C x 1.16 = 52 kWh
You can store up to 52 kWh of PV electricity.
With the PV excess storage, you can protect the compressor of your heat pump in summer operation because of the domestic water heating and increase the service life of the heat pump. This energy is then available to you when you need it.
- Supported Devices (258 KB)
- Conditions ASKOFAMILY+ (201 KB)
The ASKOSET+ consists of an optional energy meter (bidirectional meter up to 80A) and the ASKOMA energy manager with power pack. These are installed when installing the ASKOHEAT+ in the buffer tank, at the house node (fuse box).
If you use the ASKOWALL+ the energy manager and the power pack are placed in the junction box mounted on it. However, the energy meter is still installed at the house node.
You connect the energy manager, the house router and the ASKOHEAT+ each with an on-site LAN cable. Connect the energy manager to the energy meter with an RS 485 cable and the wiring for power to heat is complete.
If an existing inverter does not have a digital interface, or if the protocol is not compatible with the energy manager, a second energy meter (up to 80A) can be integrated into the inverter. This allows the PV power production to be measured and visualised. The power consumption in the house is calculated and also visualised. If the PV system has an output of more than 80A, energy meters (up to 200A) with split core are used.
The ASKOHEAT+ is available in the following versions:
- Screw-in heater 1½“:
7 levels, 1.75, 3.5, 4.4, 5.2kW
3 levels, 7.5, 9.0kW
(All screw-in heaters 1½“ can also be used in the ASKOWALL+)
- Flange heater with Ø180mm:
7 levels, 1.75, 3.5, 4.4, 5.8kW
3 levels, 7.5, 9.0kW
- Flange heater with Ø240/280mm:
6 levels, 10kW, 15.0kW, 20.0kW
19 levels, 9.5kW, 11.9kW 15.8kW
You can find more about ASKOHEAT+ here
Annual fee for the End user App (CHF 44.-- / € 48.--)It can be accessed remotely and is viewable
Power to Heat, 7-stage control for multiple heating elements
Manual operation, 100% power (automatic shutdown after 24 hours)
Activation as emergency heating of heat pumps, 100% output
Legionella protection management
Visualisation via PC, tablet and mobile phone
PV excess power prioritised on multiple ASKOHEAT+
All data is stored in the cloud / historical data can be viewed
Storage tank temperature stratification can be visualised using four PT1000 sensors
SmartPlugs (any switchable personalised sockets switchable and monitoring)
Heat pump visualisation
Inverter can be read out (no energy meter inverter necessary)
Reading, visualisation and charging management of:
- Heat pumps
- Inverter
- Smart meter
- Smart Plug / Relays
- Storage / Batteries
- Car charging station
- Car charging system
- Bidirectional charging station
- Energy yield forecast
- Bidirectional communication with the heat pump (selected types) enables the following functions:
- Setpoint shift of flow temperature about ± 3K
- Setpoint shift of buffer tank about ± 5K
- Setpoint shift of drinking water storage tank about ± 5K
All compatible devices can be found here
- Installation instruction ASKOHOME+ system
- ASKOHOME+ End user App subject to a fee from the 2nd year onwards
on AppStore - ASKOHOME+ Installer App
on AppStore
- ASKOHOME+ End user App subject to a fee from the 2nd year onwards
on PlayStore - ASKOHOME+ Installer App
on PlayStore
- ASKOHOME+ Installer App
Youtube - ASKOHOME+ End user App
- 4 dynamic legionella protection time programs are integrated, daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly (interval start after last high temperature)
- Use of night-time electricity = drinking water can be kept at the desired, freely adjustable temperature in the boiler with night-time electricity (off-peak tariff).
- Securing temperature = A minimum temperature can be defined, which is never undercut
- Up to four PT1000 temperature sensors can be read out to display stratification temperature behaviour in the memory. In addition, the reference sensor can be selected for the following setpoint inputs:
- Legionella protection
- Securing temperature
- Night-time electricity use
- Set of 3 sensors for heating elements installed in the tank
- Set of 4 sensors if the heating element is installed in the ASKOWALL